Are there any notable authors of femdom literature?

Yes, there are notable authors of femdom literature who are appreciated in the BDSM and feminist communities. From Alison Tyler to M. Christian, there are a range of authors who have actually crafted their own unique takes on FemDom fiction. Alison Tyler is an author of FemDom literature who has actually made her mark in the BDSM and feminist neig

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What makes hentai femdom stand out from other types of hentai?

Ah, hentai femdom. You might state it's taking the world by storm. Sure, it might not be everybody's cup of tea but the attraction of an effective dominatrix as the star of your preferred type of cartoon-style erotica is hard to ignore. So, what is it about hentai femdom that sets it apart from other types of hentai? For starters, let's look at th

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